Monday 16 April 2012


Mike has been telling me that he's eating sisig already(He's a picky-eater!).  He says it was at Aysee's that he ate and LOVED sisig. lol! :D So when we saw an Aysee branch in Greenhills he got excited and pulled me to the said bar(it's a bar right?) :P We ordered his "NEW FAVORITE" sisig and calamares for appetizer. we waited for a while, then here comes the sizzling plate...... TAH DAH!!!
I'm so hungry I didn't bother to mix everything up--it tastes good anyway!

Calamares! Whoa! This one's Php100. super delicious

 This crunchy, juicy and ummp! Sisig is the best! HAHAHA xD I always eat sisig but this one is different, swear guys :))  They use butter instead of oil which I think one of the reasons Mike loved it.
 It's crunchy--not chewy. It's not malansa unlike other sisig I've tasted.
 And it's worth the price :))) Well it's Php 130, good for two(for 1 if you're quiet fungry :DD)

We <3 Aysee!
Still hungry in this photo :S

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