Tuesday 10 April 2012

The New Must-try Kopiccino

It was this last Holy Week that I discovered this NEW Kopiko Kopiccino when I was at my boyfriend's house and his mum was drinking this. We tried also... ^^                                                                             

So yeah, what's so unique about this new coffee is that it has a foamy stuff and chocolate granule which you can sprinkle on the top of the foam and sip like a boss! HAHA! Really cute right?  Who said we can't have Starbucks? If you're a coffee lover like me and would like to have coffee every now and then but don't like sacrificing your pocket, Oh please.. try this one-- I promise you'll get hooked! :D With the price of
Php 8.00, a taste just like Starbucks and other expensive coffees out there, NOT BAD! 
My love for coffee isn't really over yet. I had stop having coffee this past few months because my new work sched is late 10 AM and it's very hot by then :( But now that I have found this new love, I'm having coffee every night--and not sleeping lols!

Did I just say that it really smell good? :)

Starbucks on a sachet! Hahaha. And it's Php 8.00 No waiting for minutes and no hurting on your pocket! Well, starbucks is still starbucks. But hey! This is compromising on just-the-same thing :)) Almost eh?

This is something funny. The first time I tried this, I just poured everything into the cup. HAHA. Little did I know that the granules should be put last :P So i hope when you try this you won't do the same. If yes, LOL! 

See the granules? Yum!

Till our next coffee thingy :) More cheap stuffs, I promise!

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